Yax is FREE

If you like what we're doing, a subscription to our tutorials will support the project.

To see the value, compare Yax to commercial site builders like Wix and Squarespace.


Yax Carrd Wix Squarespace WebFlow
Cost FREE $19/yr $102/yr $144/yr $144/yr
Custom domain
No branding or ads


Yax Carrd Wix Squarespace WebFlow
On-page editor
Clean modern HTML and CSS
Take your code anywhere $49/yr $192/yr
Files saved permanently
1000s of templates
Proprietary and commercial


Netlify Vercel Render.com Carrd Wix Squarespace WebFlow
Bandwidth 100GB/mo 100GB/mo 100GB/mo 2GB/mo 50GB/mo
Storage 2GB 100 pages